soul guidance for women

connect to Source, embody your Soul


Like a wild river, you are meant to flow free.

Reclaim your wild belonging, inhabit your innate wisdom, and unfurl into the true shape of your soul through 1:1 Soul Tending and community courses and gatherings.

Hi, I’m Stephanie.

As a Soul Companion, budding naturalist, writer and ritualist, I weave spaces to connect to the wild within and without.

Through 1:1 Soul Tending and community gatherings, I help women+ find greater joy, freedom and aliveness through connecting to the wild wisdom of soul, body, earth and the divine.

I’d be honored to journey with you in your own becoming.

Let’s journey together into the sacred wild

1:1 Soul Tending

Deepen into your innate wisdom, attune to the voice of your soul, and come home to the truth of who you most deeply are. Unfurl into the true shape of your soul.

Community Gatherings

There is power when we come together in community. Joining our hearts and our voices with the song of the earth, we re-member our wild belonging.

Touch the sacred…

If you desire to deepen your connection to the sacred, to show up more fully in your own skin, and step into the mystery that calls, then I have good news for you, dear one.

Everything you need is already here.

Every moment pulses with the holy. Rituals simply create a portal that we might enter in to that which already is.

So go ahead, and spin your own magic.

Root into your Wild Belonging


Soul Tending

There is power in presence. I hold sacred space for your story’s unfolding, believing that you are already exactly where you need to be, and that you hold the wisdom to discern what step to take next. Through deep listening, reflection, and embodied practice, we will explore your soul’s journey together, following the thread of the sacred so that you might say a more whole-hearted “YES!” to the life within you. You are wise.

Sacred Feminine

Unbridled and free, the feminine is full of change and mystery. Sometimes she whispers. Other times she roars. Always she is flowing with the deep song of her soul. Intuitive and sensual. Emotional and imaginative. She beckons us into the wild unknown to live out our deepest desires in service to life. Step into your own feminine power, and unleash your fullness to participate in our collective healing. You were born to be wild.

Earth and Mystery

You are part of a larger story. Child of earth, image-bearer of the divine, it is your birthright to participate in the vast and unfolding song of creation. Wild and alive, the earth is so much more than a “natural resource.” The divine mystery cannot be contained by any tidy doctrine. And you, dear one, are not meant to be small. Reclaim your wild belonging, and re-member yourself as part of the great cosmic dance.  You are holy and wholly belong.

What People Are Saying

  • "Soul Tending with Stephanie was the best thing I did for myself. I was able to work through my self doubt, and found courage and clarity to make an important decision. I am grateful for the way Stephanie held space for me and honored me where I was."

    Connie C.

  • "Stephanie is soulful, thoughtful and passionate while holding an intimate space where you feel safe and heard. She has the gift of a storyteller filled with spirit of the Divine Feminine.”

    Kelly B.

  • “The synergy and energy of this honest brave community is so powerful. Connecting to others’ stories that were similar and different than mine helped me to go deeper into my own soul.”

    Eleanor H.

“The doors to the world of the wild are few but precious. If you have a deep scar, that is a door, if you have an old, old story, that is a door. If you love the sky and the water so much you almost cannot bear it, that is a door. If you yearn for a deeper life, a full life, a sane life, that is a door.”

— Clarissa Pinkola Estes