Rewilding the Feminine Soul

You were meant for more. Wild, authentic, fiercely feminine, free.

A 3-month journey for womxn who are ready to break free from the cultural conditioning that’s kept us tame. Connect to your inherent belonging, revel in the goodness of your body, trust your inner knowing, and reclaim the wild and sacred feminine.

A 3-month Journey, Beginning Fall, 2022

Ten Thursdays, 6:30-8:30pm (PT)

September 8, 15, 22; October 6, 13, 20; November 3, 10, 17; December 1

Virtual via Zoom. All sessions will be recorded. Spaces are limited.

wild: “to live a natural life…one with innate integrity and healthy boundaries”

~Clarisa Pinkola Estes


The feminine is inherently wild.

Unbridled and free, the feminine is full of change and mystery. Sometimes she whispers. Other times she roars. Always she is flowing with the deep song of her soul.

Intuitive and sensual. Emotional and imaginative. She beckons us into the wild unknown to live out our deepest desires in service to life.

Rewilding the Feminine Soul is a 3-month journey to break free from the conditioning that’s kept us tame so that we might fiercely express our feminine soul.

In a sacred community of sisters, with the option of being supported by 1:1 sessions with your guide, you will return home to your wild roots as we connect to our bodies, the earth and the Divine Feminine within.

“This Rewilding Journey was just what I needed to remember who I am and why I’m here.”

— Moira B.

Why it’s time to rewild

For the last 4,000 years, the feminine aspects of human expression have been actively dismissed, domesticated, and even destroyed. A core wound of the patriarchy is that the feminine and females are deemed to be worth less than males and the masculine. This warped hierarchy is bad for everybody, and has caused womxn to live with a profound sense of worth-less-ness that limits our fullest expression.

This can manifest as….

  • apologizing for taking up space, having opinions, or expressing your emotions

  • feeling uncomfortable in your own skin and disconnected from your body

  • overriding your physical and emotional needs in order to get more done or to please others

  • feeling doubt, guilt or distrust around your own desires

  • working super hard and still feeling like you’re not enough

  • anxiety, depression, difficulty sleeping, chronic tension

The good news is, the feminine is fiercely resilient. She was born to be wild. And she longs to roar again through you. It’s time to set her free.


rewild: “to restore to a natural, uncultivated state of being”

~Oxford English Dictionary

The truth is your wildness is needed.

Rewilding your feminine soul is sacred medicine for our time. Our planet is suffering from thousands of years of this imbalance. We need the wild feminine now more than ever.

When you step into your own feminine power, you unleash your fullness and participate in our collective healing.

The 3 Keys to Rewild the Feminine Soul

You don’t have to go it alone…

The feminine is about connection and intimacy. There is power in presence. There is power when we come together joining our hearts and our voices, weaving a new story as we unravel harmful patterns. Our strength multiplies as we each add our magic to the collective cauldron and profound transformation becomes inevitable.

For 3-months you will be held in a sacred community of other womxn. Together we will explore the three keys of the journey through feminine ways of knowing: embodied practice; archetype and story; song and poetry; art making and ritual; breath and movement; conversation and reflection; imaginal journeys and reverent connection to the earth.

You will also have the option of additional 1:1 soul companion sessions to go deeper into your own experience of the content with individual support unique to you.

“The synergy and energy of this honest brave community is so powerful. Connecting to others’ stories that were similar and different than mine helped me to go deeper into my own soul.”

— Eleanor H.

“I felt affirmed to really listen to my wise self. As a result, I ended up quitting my job. I don't know if I could have acted so decisively if I did not have the fellow support of these wild women listening to their own powerful intuition.”

— Christie T.

The gifts of this journey include:

  • powerful invitations into myth, archetypes and the mythopoetic imagination to seed new stories and cast an empowering and robust vision of the feminine

  • opportunities for creative, free expression to explore the knowings of your body and soul

  • greater joy, freedom, and confidence in your daily life

  • support of a sisterhood to gently hold you in your own becoming

  • practical skills to come home to yourself as you…

  • deepen into your intuition

  • listen to the wisdom of your body

  • reclaim your sensuality, sexuality and pleasure

  • free yourself from harmful conditioning

  • find intimacy with the earth

  • connect to the Divine Feminine

  • live the truth of your soul

“Each week weaved together with such intention. The content and practices were all meant to tune me back to myself and my own inner knowing. To remind me that my own wild, deep, intuition can be trusted.”

— Christie T.


“This rewilding journey provided a sense of validation and articulation of the collective wounding we have sustained as women living in a patriarchal society. I feel I have more insight now about how cultural and familial influences led to a devaluing of my wild feminine. The sacred space for sharing and listening as well as the art-making and intuitive movement all was deeply fulfilling and has inspired active soul-tending that has felt life-affirming and healing-bound.”

—Irma G.

Who’s this journey for?


This journey is for anyone who identifies as a womxn and feels the call to unleash her inner Wild Womxn.

This journey is for YOU if…

  • you want to live in alignment with the wisdom of your soul

  • you are longing to live from your pleasure, your intuition, and your embodied wisdom

  • you know there is a wildness about you that is struggling to break free

  • you are longing to reclaim the fiercely feminine parts of yourself, to celebrate your womanhood, rather than feeling like it’s a liability

  • you are ready to say goodbye to playing the “good girl” role, but unsure how

  • you long for a grounded, authentic spirituality that is rooted in the wisdom of the earth

  • you grieve over the wounding of our planet and her peoples. You know in your bones there is a better story for all of us to live.

This journey is NOT for you if…

  • You’re looking for a quick route and easy solutions.

    This journey is the path of soul. There is no agenda aside from your own unfurling. It is spiral, messy, wild and alive. It’s not a journey of arrival, but of greater levels of expansion. In fact, it’s  likely to cost you something, to ask you to let go of comfort and convenience as you walk the winding path that’s true to you. 

  • You only want “love and light” and seek to sidestep the hard stuff.

    The feminine invites us into a descent into the metaphorical underworld. She knows that the only way out is through. She knows all of who we are–our wounds, our shadows, our grief and our rage–belongs. This journey is about embracing ourselves, warts and all.

  • You’re looking for a guru.

    I’m a space holder and a guide, not a guru. I don’t have all the answers. I’m simply someone on my own journey of becoming. The harmful hierarchical model of patriarchy where one person holds the “wisdom” for the many is precisely why our rewilding is needed. Wisdom comes from deep listening to oneself in loving relationship with the wider community. 

About Your Guide:

My own soul desperately needed rewilding. I was the good daughter of the patriarchy for much of my life.

Straight A student, pastor’s daughter, church leader, teacher of the year… I faithfully marched to the beat of the social norms. I tried hard to be a “good girl.”

I didn’t realize that I had given my power away.

I had been taught to believe that my worth was tied to how much I could give to others. That my own longings and needs didn’t matter much. That it was best to stay small, play it safe, and avoid rocking the boat. Sound familiar?

Perhaps most disturbing of all was that I had learned to deny the parts of me that held my feminine magic. I judged my body harshly and ignored her wisdom. I dismissed my creativity and resisted my emotionality. I distrusted my longings and repressed my sexuality. In short, I had muted the voice of my soul.

Everything changed after the sudden death of my brother followed by years of unexplained infertility. In this dark night of the soul, I experienced a great unraveling of faith and identity.

Through a series of loving steps I began to court my own soul and remember my wildness. I’ve been on this journey to reclaim the sacred feminine for over a decade now. It is a forever journey with no destination, only greater levels of expansion. What I offer in Rewilding the Feminine Soul are the gifts I’ve gathered along the way and a space for you to tap into your own innate knowing. I would be honored to journey alongside you in your own wild becoming.

“Stephanie is soulful, thoughtful and passionate while holding an intimate space where you feel safe and heard. She has the gift of a storyteller filled with spirit of the Divine Feminine.”

— Kelly B.


“Stephanie is a gifted teacher and facilitator of embodied, soulful, transformative experiences.”

—Moira B.

What is included:

  • Each month, we’ll hold two 2-hour Community Circles to explore the keys to Rewilding the Feminine Soul in sacred community through myth and archetypes, song, movement, imaginal journeys, conversation, ritual, and creative embodied practice.

    Our final circle will be a closing ceremony of celebration. These sessions will be recorded, and available for you to revisit for a whole year.

    Thursdays via Zoom from 6:30-8:30pm (PT); September 8, 15; October 6, 13; November 3, 10; December 1

  • Each month, we’ll have one1.5-2 hour virtual Deepen-in Gatherings to deepen into the themes through creative, embodied practice and extended discussion.

    Thursdays via Zoom from 6:30-8:00pm (PT); September 22; October 20; November 17

  • The feminine invites us into a rhythm of sacred pause, time for the ground of our being to lie fallow. We’ll take a break at the end of each month for the content to shift, settle and root deeper within.

  • Twice a month, you’ll receive via email follow-up invitations into playful embodied, earth-based practices as well as journal prompts, to integrate the content into your daily life.

  • There will be the opportunity for participant-organized connection to provide encouragement and support.

  • You’ll receive a Wild Soul Care Package lovingly curated and mailed to your home full of ritual elements, creative supplies and other tangibles to nourish your soul journey.

Ready to go even deeper?

  • Create the space in your life to go even deeper into the gifts of this journey with three 1:1 Soul Tending sessions, these 1-hour one-on-one sessions offer personalized support to deepen into the themes and issues arising for you.

  • Unlimited Email Coaching, during our 3 months together to personally attend to what’s coming up for you on this journey 

  • this addition is limited to 4 participants, all session must be claimed within 3 months of the end of the Rewilding journey.


The wide expanse of sky
echoes your heart’s desire
and you glimpse for
a clear moment
the wings of your own soul soaring.

It is time to stop
tinkering with borrowed dreams
that you wear like an
ill-fitting dress—
stiff-collared, pleated skirt,
your arms limited
by taffeta sleeves.

It is time to shed the layers
and slip into
your own luminous skin.

Tentatively, at first,
you begin to disrobe.

Cantankerous voices mutter
your behavior is offensive,
oblique. As you persist
in your unraveling
of thread and fiber,
buttons and lace
the rumble turns to shouting:

Angry venom bubbles over,
poison eyes, clenched fists.

But you are fully naked now,
not a shred of the old dress left.
The voices are lost in the rush of wind,
and you realize
you are flying.

—Stephanie Jenkins


Step into your own luminous skin. Rewild your soul.